Title: Stone in the Sky
Author: Cecil Castellucci
Source: Publisher for the blog tour
Series: Yes
Rating: 3.5/5
This is the second book in the Tin Star series and I was lucky enough to be asked by the publisher to review this book and also to be part of the blog tour for this novel.
Tin Star left me feeling like something was missing and Stone in the Sky is the missing piece. It is an excellent continuation of the story. It picks up where Tin Star left off and follows Tula on her journey to destroy Brother Blue.
The novel threw in some twists that I did not see coming and the ending left me wanting more. Tula Bane's story is not done yet and I hope there is more to come.
The Characters: We have our main character Tula Bane of course and she becomes more likeable as the story goes on. She is smart and quick to work a trade just like Heckleck taught her her. She makes the decision to leave Yertina Feray and leaves Tournour behind. Brother Blue makes another appearance and so do other surprising characters from the first novel that I thought were gone forever and lots of new and interesting characters that add to the story.
The Plot: This book starts on Yertina Feray, but takes us through the galaxy and new planets. The description of the galaxy and new planets
This book ended in a way that the story could be considered wrapped up, but I feel like Tula has more to show us.